Photos from Urban Rescue 2

Click on image above to view photos from Urban Rescue 2

Operation Urban Rescue 2

Latest photos from the just concluded Airsoft Tournament in Malaybalay Bukidnon, Philippines, sponsored by Team Airsoft Malaybalay, Bukidnon (T.A.M.B.U.K). More Photos Here. =)

Operation Urban Rescue 2
A pinned down FRAG unit during Operation Urban Rescue 2

Operation Urban Rescue 2Operation Urban Rescue 2Operation Urban Rescue 2Operation Urban Rescue 2Operation Urban Rescue 2

FRAG-Dublin’s Big Day

FRAG-Dublin’s big day last September 7, 2008 started with a “bang”. The General Assembly which Inducted their incoming officers for the year 2008-09 headed by President Enrico Pobre, was attended by Dublin, Ireland’s Irish Airsoft Association (IAA), Hit and Run Tactical Airsoft (HRTA) and Main Irish Airsoft (M.I.A). The Philippine Consul John Ferris was also present to witness the big activity. The IAA, HRTA and MIA also extended its warmest thanks and praise to the FRAG group for their hospitality, organizational ability and the characteristic sense of community they share. Congratulations FRAG-Dublin.

To the young Filipino’s who created Force Recon Airsoft Group, Inc. (Mike M, Bobby L. and Ed T.) Congratulations, sirs!

FRAG Dublin, Ireland

FRAG Dublin, Ireland

Consul John Ferris with FRAG Dublin President Enrico Pobre

Consul John Ferris with FRAG Dublin President Enrico Pobre

A great day with equally great food..

A great day with equally great food..

FRAG-Dublin Officers Oath Taking

FRAG-Dublin Officers Oath Taking

Consul John Ferris and Guest from IAA and HRTA

Consul John Ferris and Guest from IAA and HRTA

More Photos to be posted soon. =)

More Photos from the Orchard

FRAG at the Orchard

FRAG at the Orchard

Click photo above to view more photos taken from the Orchard.

FRAG CDO Congratulates FRAG Dublin

FRAG President Bob Ludeña

FRAG President Bob Ludeña

Force Recon Airsoft Cagayan de Oro’s President Roberto “Bobby” Ludeña congratulates FRAG Dublin, Ireland on their Induction of New Officers today, September 7 for the year 2008-2009. In a letter addressed to FRAG Dublin, he emphasized that both group should focus on maintaining good values, building friendship and improving the beloved sport. Full text of letter below.

To our FRAG Dublin Brothers,

Congratulations to the Force Recon Airsoft Group – Dublin, Ireland. The Induction Ceremony of the Officers of FRAG-Dublin marks a very special event for members of our organization.

Today we bear witness to the fulfillment of the pioneering efforts of a dedicated group of Filipino airsoft hobbyists beyond the borders of our Philippine shores. From the moment of the conception in our country to the point of finding the same fervor of commitment in Dublin – this induction is a celebration of your achievement, your leadership and your support.

We pride ourselves in Force Recon Airsoft to be members of an organization that upholds integrity and excellence. Membership in Force Recon Airsoft Group is both an honor and a responsibility. Your acceptance of this honor marks your commitment to the values of the organization, building friendships, and improving the beloved sport. Today you join 50 other members from Cagayan de Oro who are committed to this purpose. I congratulate you.

As FRAG CDO President, and sharing the sentiments of FRAG Philippines, I commend your success and I look forward to continue working with you as we share the mission of advancing excellence of this sport in the Twenty First Century.

Yours Truly

Roberto “Bobby” Ludeña
Force Recon Airsoft Group – Philippines

FRAG Dublin – InDepth

by: FRAG-Dublin Enrico Pobre

FRAG Dublin Night Games

FRAG Dublin Night Games

Home is a very profound word but for us Filipinos living outside the Philippines would mean the whole world to us. It may not be amenable to every one but wherever we are, whatever part of the world we may be, we try so hard to live a kind of life closes to home. And one way to live like you’re home is to be in an environment where you can spend time with your KABABAYAN’s. A Filipino peer would always make you feel you’re in the Philippines especially when you talk in same language, gobble common Filipino food and share common interest.  Continue reading

Inhibitions 1: Getting Started – Airsoft terms? Or Simply Phrases We’re Used to Saying.

Ever since we started playing airsoft, we always encounter phrases, uttered by most airsofters, that we often regard to as “airsoft terms,” if there is such a thing – phrases that only those who play the sport understand. A very simple example of this is: for a first time airsofter, who is about to purchase his first AEG (to those first-time airsofters, I’ll tell you what AEG means later), goes to an airsoft shop already determined and has chosen his AEG model and brand, asks the attendant, “what is its FPS?” For a moment there you’d think, what is wrong with asking that question? Well, are you asking for its unit or are you asking for the initial velocity of the AEG? Ummmhhmm! But, don’t you worry ’cause the attendant will surely answer that question. “It’s between 350 to 380 FPS, sir.” See, they always answer you. I don’t know if other countries make the same mistake…ummm… well, it’s not really a mistake but just a slight mix-up of the terms. Even if you ask other airsofters the same question, they will surely answer you. Sometimes, players would not ask for the FPS but, “What is its chrono?” Oh, you mean the reading in the chronograph!? Right. But hey, it’s a shortcut. I’m even worst. The first time I played with seasoned airsofters, they asked for my AEG to have it “chronoed.” I said, “Yeah, of course. Let’s do this.” I had no idea what the hell he meant by chrono. When I saw that they were inserting the tip of my barrel (they call it flash hyder, I have always referred to it as muzzle, whatever) into what seemed to be a box with numbers on it, I told myself, “Oh, that’s chrono.” Pathetic, but forgivable for a first-timer. Continue reading

Yay! Teamwork.

This is what I like most when it comes to Military Simulations..Teamwork (photo below) . In this scenario, a team prepares to extract a VIP to the safe zone. While terrorist forces waits to ambush. In the Army its mission first, kills second. Besides, teamwork may actually add realism to the game.

Battle at the Orchard

Back at the Orchard

The Orchard

The Orchard

Battle at the Orchard
We’re finally back at the Orchard after weeks of monsoon rains.

Click for more photos

FRAG In Review

Just some clips from almost 12months of existence.

Thanks to Teddy and AdTronix Digital Video
for the “Experience the Real Thing” video clips.