So We’re Back!

So we’re back! After six months of no airsoft games due to the election “Gun Ban” we’re back to playing our beloved sport. I can’t believe how the six month lay-off rusted my AEG from its gun barrel to its trigger. Anyway, it would take another six years for the “Election Gun Ban” to take effect again. Yay!!!

But here’s another thing – it’s July and it is the start of the rainy season. Too bad for our team, our game sites are swamped with rain water. Though it looks like a real Vietnam scenario if you look around, how can you play in a swampy area with lots of insects and critters around? Snakes? Yes snakes, it’s abundant here in our country. Ranging from those cute little ones to the big and venomous constrictors. Arghh.. Bad luck? You may say that, but we see ourselves as real Recons, and the real recon usually inserts itself in areas (under any condition) wherein no one suspects they are there. Simply to say, we can still play at our swampy game sites.  Can we?  That remains to be seen.


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